Privacy Policy

1. About the company

Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A., headquartered at Rua Tierno Galvan, nº 10, Torre 3, Piso 9, Amoreiras, 1070-274 Lisboa, with the tax identification number 502303530, is dedicated to real estate development.

In the pursuit of its functions, Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A., particularly when using the website, will ensure the protection of its users' personal data when this data is made available or transmitted, under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

2. About this Privacy Policy

Any changes will be immediately disclosed on this same online page, so regular consultation of this page is advised.

The website is not aimed at children under 16, so we ask that these minors do not use the website and do not provide us with personal data through it.

We expressly request that you do not send us or make us aware of any sensitive personal data, i.e. information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical 4 de 8beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information, health data or data relating to a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation. This personal data will be deleted immediately.

We do not sell or trade your data.

As part of its business, we may use third parties to provide certain services, which may involve these entities having access to the personal data of our users and customers. When this happens, we take all appropriate precautions, contractually requiring these entities to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent any unlawful processing of the data and to ensure its availability, integrity and confidentiality.

Personal data may also be made available to the courts and other competent authorities, in strict compliance with the provisions of the law, namely when they prove necessary for the resolution of billing disputes and for activities relating to the protection of public security, the defense and security of the State and the prevention, investigation or detection of criminal offenses.

3. Forwarding to other sites

The site may direct users to other sites belonging to partners of Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. If users of the aforementioned site are redirected to these sites belonging to third parties, this Privacy Policy will not apply.

Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. is not responsible for the privacy policies and terms and conditions contained in these same sites, nor is it responsible for the information made available on them, in particular as regards their accuracy, credibility and the functionalities provided.

4. QWhat personal data is collected and how it is collected

4.1. What personal data?

When registering on the Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. website, or in the event of communication between Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. and private individuals through this website, information may be collected on the personal data of registered users in order to provide the best service in the area of real estate development.

The following personal data may be collected from users:

(i) Name;

(ii) Email address;

(iii) Telephone number

4.2. How is personal data collected?

This personal data may be collected by subscribing to the Foz de Prata newsletter, requesting information about properties, using the property sales form and contact forms.

5. Purpose of personal data collection and legal basis

Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. collects the personal data of registered users in order to provide the best service in the area of real estate development.

In this sense, Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. will process the personal data of its owners based on the following purposes/legal grounds:


Legal basis

Newsletter subscription

To receive the latest news on apartments and plots available for rent/sale.

Consent of the data subject and legitimate interests of the Data Controller.

Requesting information on apartments and plots

Providing information on the apartments and plots available on the market and their characteristics.

Consent of the data subject and pre-contractual steps.

Contact forms

Information about the company and its services.

Consent of the data subject and pre-contractual procedures.

Submission of the above forms on the Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. website implies acceptance of this Privacy Policy and constitutes consent to the processing of personal data for all the purposes set out therein, in accordance with the respective legal grounds.

6. Data retention period

The period for which personal data is stored varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed.

Whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be kept by the Company for the minimum period necessary for the pursuit of the purposes described above or until the consent initially given is withdrawn, a right granted to the holders of the personal data, which does not compromise the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent previously given and which may be exercised at any time.

7. Rights of the holders of the personal data collected

The holders of personal data have the following rights at any time

I. Right of access;

II. Right to rectification,

III. Right to update;

IV. Right to restriction of processing;

V. Right to erasure;

VI. Right to portability;

VII. Right not to be subject to any exclusively automated decision;

VIII. Right to withdraw consent (see point 6);

IX. Right not to have sensitive data processed;

X. Right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (in this case, the National Data Protection Commission).

Data subjects also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data.

All the rights referred to here, expressly provided for by law, must be exercised by identifying their holders (by sending a copy of their ID card or other identification document) to the address or email address set out in Section 9.

With regard to the delivery of a copy of the citizen's card or other document, it must be stated that it will only be used for the aforementioned purpose (i.e. proving the identity of the holder of the aforementioned rights) and will be deleted if it is no longer necessary to pursue the purpose described in the consent.

8. Recipients or categories of recipients of personal data

The recipients of the personal data collected by Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. will be the owners/users of the properties to whose information the data subject wishes to have access and the potential buyers/renters of the apartments and plots owned by the data subject, as well as third parties subcontracted by Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. who process said data on its behalf.

Employees of Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. will also be recipients of personal data.

9. Data controller

Canal Capital - Sociedade de Construções e Turismo, S.A. - Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária, Lda.

Contact details:

Rua Tierno Galvan, nº 10, Torre 3, Piso 9, Amoreiras, 1070-274 Lisboa

+351 213 880 731

Complete the form and we will contact you shortly.

Seta Foz de Prata

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